Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hawaii day 3: Today we went to Diamond Had crater to hike. The crater has an elevation hike of about 600 feet, 300 hundred steps, and a few areas that you need to crouch to get through. It was an exhausting hike but once we got to the top the view of diamond head bay and waikiki beach was stuning, as well as the hills of honuloulu. From there we went on what was supposed to be an easy hike to a place called Monoa Falls. It is a Mile and a half hike, classafied as "easy" but it was anything but. Basically we pulled off the road and automatically we where in the rain forest where the show Lost was shot. we proceeded to hike up to the falls along a path that was for the most part, 2 feet wide, sandwiched between a wall of whatever trees or bamboo was on one side and a shear drop of on the other. the path was mostly made up of boulders and tree roots. trecherous but one of the most beautiful places we have ever been. Then we drove to the east shore to a beach name Kialuha. the water was crystal crystal clear. We then went back to the hotel and hung out....sounds like the perfect day gets better. We where walking around tonight and went down a side street and low and behold there was a bar called the yardhouse. I have been to the one in Chicago, did not know there was one in waikiki. The reason that this really caps off the perfect day is because the yardhouse has a center bar shaped in an oval, and the interior of the oval has 128 beers on tap!!! I love the Yard House.

Inside the crster

the top of the cater

southern shore from on top the cater

looking down into the crater

Honuloulu from on top the crater

Waikiki From on top  the crater

Diamond Head from on top the crater

Crystal clear ocean at kialuha beach

Kialuha beach
Lost prop, in the rain forest

More lost props

Manoa falls

Monoa falls

Bamboo forest on the way to the falls

Pathway through tree trunk

Banyan trees

Rain forest

Rain forest

Massive tree

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