Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hawaii day 4: we went to a flea market this morning and bought the kids a bunch of cheap stuff, then we went and met up with a diving guide, took a catamaran out to the middle of the ocean and went scuba diving. Shira went on the first dive, but was exahusted and sat out the second dive. On the first dive we ended up about 2 feet from these huge gigantic sea turtles, these were 3 1/2 to 4 feet long, swam through schools of fish, and checked out eels. On the second dive was much of the same, except for the turtles. My dive guide found an octopus and some how pulled it out from this tiny crevise and we were able to stay an handle it for about five minutes. Very very cool the octopus was about 2 feet long. Could not take to many pictures (no waterproof camera). All in all an amazing day and and an experience that we will hopefully do agian. Then tonight Shira and I went to walk around a mall and ended up in a maze store that apperently were duty free, basically that means out of the five hundred people there, we were the only non-orential people. Hopefully we will not experince that agian.

Finally squeezed into the wet suit

Getting the rest of my gear on

On the way to the second dive, the first dive our dive guide made me go down a ladder into the ocean, on the second dive though she let me walk off the side of the boat, that was a lot of fun.

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